Strengthening Representation of LGBTQIA People of Color
Learn how San Francisco Public Library's Hormel Center is expanding scholarship and representation of LGBTQIA people of color.
Learn how San Francisco Public Library's Hormel Center is expanding scholarship and representation of LGBTQIA people of color.
Discover how King County Library System systematically engaged their community to better serve and learn about the aspirations of entrepreneurs who are immigrants and refugees.
Learn how Kansas City Public Library has expanded the frontiers of its digital equity advocacy.
Learn how Pima County Public Library's Kindred Team is working to reach, celebrate and support the library's local African American community.
As Black History Month begins, ULC is excited to launch a special communications campaign aimed at helping library leaders discover, discuss and rethink ways they can foster greater equity in their work.
Learn from a recent survey of ULC's membership regarding library revenue streams.
Learn how Austin Public Library's Cassandra Stokes discovered the connections between being a librarian and being an entrepreneur by participating in the ULC Entrepreneurship Learning Cohort.
Discover how Toledo Lucas County Public Library improved its engagement with the local business community by participating in the ULC Entrepreneurship Learning Cohort.
Take a look back at key ULC developments, activities and accomplishments from 2018.
Discover how Toronto Public Library learned the importance of taking a focused approach to supporting local entrepreneurs by participating in the ULC Entrepreneurship Learning Cohort and launching the library's Newcomer Entrepreneur in Residence program.