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How a Mobile Barbershop Helped Increase Childhood Reading in Cleveland

June 04, 2024,Education,Race and Social Equity

In partnership with Barbershop Books, ULC’s Barbershop Books Pilot for Libraries supported a small cohort of libraries in 2023 and 2024 to provide reading opportunities to Black boys directly in barbershops in their local communities. The Cleveland Public Library knew participation would be beneficial as it aligned with the library's goal to put books into the community and possibly create change.

Five Ways Public Libraries Go Far Beyond Books

March 13, 2024,Democracy

The Urban Libraries Council recently hosted a virtual town hall on the critical roles public libraries play in our communities. We welcomed leaders with experience engaging with local, state and federal government policymakers to discuss ways for libraries to share their impact. Read on for five takeaways from the event.

Driving Greater Advocacy for Urban Libraries

March 06, 2024,From the CEO

How is ULC driving greater advocacy for urban libraries? Check out the latest blog post from ULC President and CEO Brooks Rainwater the federal legislation and funding resources needed to empower public libraries to meet evolving community needs.

Introducing the Library Data Hive

December 13, 2023,From the CEO

The Library Insights Survey serves as a guidepost for the resiliency of libraries and the bright spots they hold in our neighborhoods. This data demonstrates how libraries are strengthening their operations and purposefully serving their communities since the pandemic.

Designing a Library with Style and Substance

November 16, 2023,Healthy, Sustainable Communities

As architects who work with libraries, the topic of "Libraries as Place" is of particular interest. For a variety of reasons, however, it is not unusual for libraries to find themselves working with an architect who doesn’t have quite this level of experience. Fortunately, there are strategies that libraries can use with a variety of architects to design spaces and facilities that are both functional and inspirational.