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From the CEO

Celebrating Groundbreaking Work in Public Libraries: ULC's Innovations Initiative

October 08, 2024,From the CEO

At the heart of our communities, public libraries are breaking new ground every day. The Urban Libraries Council (ULC) is proud to showcase these changemakers through our Innovations Initiative, which has amplified transformative projects from our member libraries for 15 years. This year, we are proud that more than 100 ULC member libraries shared nearly 240 innovative ideas to be considered for award recognition.

Driving Greater Advocacy for Urban Libraries

March 06, 2024,From the CEO

How is ULC driving greater advocacy for urban libraries? Check out the latest blog post from ULC President and CEO Brooks Rainwater the federal legislation and funding resources needed to empower public libraries to meet evolving community needs.

Introducing the Library Data Hive

December 13, 2023,From the CEO

The Library Insights Survey serves as a guidepost for the resiliency of libraries and the bright spots they hold in our neighborhoods. This data demonstrates how libraries are strengthening their operations and purposefully serving their communities since the pandemic.