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Ādisōke: A Story of Partnership and Respect

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Ādisōke: A Story of Partnership and Respect

Ottawa Public Library

Equity and Inclusion | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

Ottawa Public Library and Library and Archives Canada are building the future home of Ottawa Central Library and public services of LAC. The facility will be on the unceded traditional territory of the Anishinābe Algonquin Nation, who have lived in the area for time immemorial. A commitment to reconciliation and decolonization is central to the project


Canada has committed to reconciling the country’s colonial legacy and injustices against Indigenous Peoples. This legacy has resulted a strained relationship with books and formal learning institutions for many Indigenous Peoples. Ottawa is located on Anishinābe Algonquin Nation territory, but many residents are not aware of this. The Host Nation feels there is a lack of representation of their history and culture in the city. A new facility for OPL and LAC needed to have respectful Host Nation involvement.

Key Elements of Innovation

Since 2019, Host Nation Elders and members have been important partners. This includes many gatherings and consultations, influence on design and choice of materials, and use of Anishinābemowin language throughout the facility. The Host Nation gave the facility the name Ādisōke, which refers to the telling of stories in Anishinābemowin. Consultations with First Nations, Inuit and Métis will contribute to accurate representation of their language, culture and history in the facility, programs and services.

Achieved Outcomes

Other rooms will be given Anishinābemowin names. Continued engagement with the Host Nation and other First Nations, Inuit and Métis organizations will inform programs and services offered in Ādisōke. The project is contributing to the decolonization of libraries and civic spaces by recognizing and supporting Indigenous cultures, histories and languages. Indigenous epistemologies will be included in the library profession through continuing education and cross-cultural training with stakeholders and partners.