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50x15 – Staff Crowdsourcing Suggestion Box

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50x15 – Staff Crowdsourcing Suggestion Box

DC Public Library, District of Columbia

Library Operations & Management

Innovation Synopsis

As a result of a staff survey conducted in 2014, DCPL launched 50x15, a platform through which the Library could identify 50 ideas from staff members to implement in 2015. DCPL used a crowdsourcing platform, Vocoli, for staff to submit and collaborate on their ideas.


In 2014, DCPL issued a staff survey to measure morale and quality of work life. Results of the survey showed that staff are eager to find a way to share their ideas with senior leadership. Staff expressed concern that their ideas didn’t travel beyond their manager and frustration that changes to the organization were made with a top down approach. With direction from the new executive director, a small team of staff was formed to create a portal to gather ideas from staff. 50x15 was born.

Key Elements of Innovation

Through research, the team settled on Vocoli, an online crowdsourcing platform that serves as a suggestion box for Fortune 500 companies. 50x15 encourages staff to submit ideas that improve the staff and/or customer experience. They are able to collaborate, comment and vote on ideas submitted, as well as upload pictures or links to better illustrate their ideas. Staff are able to submit ideas from their desktop, tablet or mobile phone. Ideas are not submitted anonymously as staff members are encouraged to own and receive acknowledgement for their ideas. The goal is to identify 50 ideas that can be implemented in 2015.

Achieved Outcomes

50x15 launched in October 2014 and closed January 30, 2015 with more than 300 ideas were submitted by staff. On average, each idea had 10-12 votes and many more comments. A review team assesses each idea and to date have approved 18 ideas for implementation. Another 25 ideas have been referred to staff or staff working groups for further exploration. Ideas submitted range from re-thinking staff scheduling to improving work/life balance to close the library early the day before Thanksgiving. 50x15 has been a great tool to engage staff and improve morale as they see their ideas being implemented. Moving forward, the 50x15 initiative will serve as a springboard to launch a permanent online suggestion box.