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A Game-Changing Vision: Who We Are, What We Do

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A Game-Changing Vision: Who We Are, What We Do

Howard County Library System, Md.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis

Howard County Library System has introduced a timeless vision to the profession: “Libraries=Education.” Hailed by Library Journal as “a 21st-century model worthy of study and consideration by every library in America, if not the world,” the strategy repositions libraries as educational institutions, just as important as schools, colleges, and universities.


We in the profession know why we are important, but many outside the field do not. In good economic times, we may not receive the funding we deserve. In economic downturns, we tend to be cut more than we should be. We are frequently treated as Second Class. “Libraries=Education” moves libraries up to First Class. How? Dispelling — permanently — all misperceptions about our profession, the strategy increases respect, perceived value, and, most importantly, funding. Incredibly simple and immensely powerful, the approach is not really new. Public libraries at the turn of the 20th century were established as educational institutions, delivering equal opportunity in education for all. “Libraries=Education” reclaims this original purpose—with a 21st century twist.

Key Elements of Innovation

Implementing the approach is simple. It does not require changing anything we do — only what we say. “Libraries=Education”: Repositions libraries as educational institutions and staff as educators; Categorizes everything libraries do under three “pillars” (Self-Directed Education, Research Assistance & Instruction, Instructive & Enlightening Experiences); Replaces traditional terminology with strategic language people outside the field understand (e.g., “education,” “instruction,” and “research” replace words like “information” and “reference;” and “class” replaces “storytime” and “program”). The concept becomes self-evident when we understand the complete definition of “education,” which includes: Information about a subject matter; Knowledge acquired by learning; Activities imparting knowledge; Enlightening experiences.

Achieved Outcomes

“Libraries=Education” is ushering in a new era for libraries. The growing movement includes libraries in nearly every state—where many library “directors” are now “CEOs.” In addition, these libraries have traded traditional vocabulary that previously trivialized their libraries’ value for strategic terminology. For example, “storytime,” “programs,” and “reference,” are now referred to as “classes” and “research.” The result? Increased respect and perceived value. No one asks them anymore why they are essential. Their inherent value is now fully understood. Leading this growing movement, Howard County Library System has demonstrated that, from the very words we use, the world will recognize the true value of libraries. Just like schools, colleges, and universities, libraries are education—a timeless, economic imperative that merits immense respect and maximized funding.