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A Wider Lens Documentary and Discussion Series

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A Wider Lens Documentary and Discussion Series

Arlington Heights Memorial Library, Ill.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis

The Arlington Heights Memorial Library offers a monthly documentary film screening, followed by a moderated discussion. The films chosen are intended to introduce library customers to a broad variety of stories, topics and experiences that inspire conversation.


Dialogue between people of different backgrounds and beliefs can be challenging, especially as a result of the current political and economic climate. Libraries have the opportunity to be places where community members feel safe to voice their opinions, ask important questions and participate in conversations with their neighbors. This series is a way to introduce civic participation gradually, through the power of film.

Key Elements of Innovation

The library is providing a space where people can come together to learn, to explore unique films and to engage with one another. Thus far, the screenings have included Growing Up Trans and 13th. Films are chosen based on topics and themes likely to create strong reactions in participants, sparking conversation. The post-film discussions are led by professionals with knowledge of these topics, who are able to engage participants in meaningful dialogue.

Achieved Outcomes

Participants have expressed appreciation to the library for hosting these unique programs. They have shared opinions, questions or personal experiences, and all were respectful of one another. The Arlington Heights Memorial Library is an inclusive place where people can be heard; where they can think beyond themselves and gain a wider understanding of the world. Partnering with local organizations to find facilitators also helps to build stronger connections between the library and the greater community.