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Accountability 2.0

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Accountability 2.0

Indianapolis Public Library, Ind.

Library Operations & Management

Innovation Synopsis

All staff is engaged in the stewardship of our strategic plan at the Indianapolis Public Library. The plan is easily read and interpreted because it incorporates dynamic “take action” components into its goals and strategies that give clear direction to staff for successful program planning, measuring and reporting institutional performance.


In previous strategic plans at IndyPL, the goals and strategies were high-level and often ambiguous. Staff struggled to understand their use and measurement. The new 2015 to 2020 strategic plan took an innovative approach to solving this problem. With the support of the community, staff and our Board of Trustees, we embedded 175 actionable numbered statements into the plan’s goals and strategies, providing clear direction to staff for connecting their activities to the strategic plan. This “take action” system creates the framework for planning organizational strategy and provides strong accountability to our stakeholders.

Key Elements of Innovation

We offer extensive staff training and practice for strategically designing programs and services. Our goal is to increase staff confidence and encourage active participation in the strategic plan. Any staff member can design an initiative using a “service plan” form requiring the writer of the plan to determine: community assessment, target audience, desired outcomes, support staff requirements and a budget. They must identify the “take action” number in the strategic plan that the initiative addresses. By connecting each service plan to “take action” numbers, compiled service plans provide the Library with a precise and valuable picture of our progress.

Achieved Outcomes

In 2015, 214 service plans were written and accomplished by staff. They addressed 49% of all strategies and 30% of all “take action” components. Outcome-based measurement and budgetary performance data from service plans effectively evaluate institutional performance. Staff contributions to the strategic plan are celebrated. Senior staff monitors progress and makes course corrections with confidence. Reports to the Library Board of Trustees and community stakeholders are clear and organized. Institutional relevance is easily aligned to community-scale efforts. Proven assessment of community impact increases donor support as well. Strong accountability is no longer wishful thinking at IndyPL, it’s become strategic thinking.