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Acquisition Entrepreneurs Accelerator (AEA)

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Acquisition Entrepreneurs Accelerator (AEA)

Regina Public Library

Workforce and Economic Development | 2024

Innovation Synopsis

The Regina Public Library launched the Acquisition Entrepreneur Accelerator (AEA) program in January 2024 to equip aspiring entrepreneurs with the skills and knowledge needed to successfully acquire and grow businesses in Saskatchewan. The eight-week program provided comprehensive training on key business acquisition areas including planning, financial analysis, business valuation, due diligence, and ownership transition. Delivered through a blend of in-person and online learning, the AEA program aimed to empower participants to confidently navigate the business acquisition process.


The impending wave of baby boomer retirements is expected to fuel a surge in business ownership transitions. Unlike the often protracted and uncertain startup landscape, business acquisition offers a more defined path to entrepreneurship. However, acquisition entrepreneurs face many obstacles such as a lack of essential skills in doing due diligence, financial projection, and business planning. These challenges can lead to costly mistakes, such as struggling to secure financing, overpaying for businesses, and running into operational difficulties during transition.

Given the existing availability of traditional startup support through many public libraries, a specialized training program focused on the more structured business acquisition process can effectively address the unique needs of this entrepreneurial segment. On the program design and evaluation side, such program tends to deliver immediate value to participants and generates measurable results more efficiently.

Key Elements of Innovation

This program represents a significant departure from traditional startup training by focusing specifically on the acquisition of existing businesses. While many entrepreneurial programs emphasize business creation from scratch, this program addresses a growing trend and a distinct set of challenges faced by aspiring business owners who seek to acquire established enterprises. This targeted approach empowers participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the complexities of the acquisition process, increasing their chances of success and minimizing the risks associated with buying a business. Moreover, the program aligns with the evolving entrepreneurial landscape, where the acquisition of established businesses is becoming an increasingly viable pathway to ownership. By capitalizing on this trend and addressing the specific needs of aspiring acquirers, the program fills a critical gap in the entrepreneurial support ecosystem.

Achieved Outcomes

Participants in the program are at varying stages of acquiring businesses. Many are in the initial research phase, exploring sectors like food, cleaning, and construction. Some have identified specific opportunities and are conducting deeper investigations.

A few participants have progressed further. One has completed the share transfer of a franchise business acquisition, leveraging the experience in the industry and taking this as a stepping stone towards potential independent franchise ownership. Another participant, already in the process of acquiring a cleaning franchise, credits the program for strengthening his decision-making and accelerating the progress. Lastly, a participant evaluating a headstone company found the asking price inflated, potentially due to insights gained from the program’s financial analysis training.