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AfterMath - Free Math Tutoring

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AfterMath - Free Math Tutoring

Pikes Peak Library District, Colo.

Education - Children & Adults

Innovation Synopsis

AfterMath, a weekly all volunteer program at the Monument Library, brings together community members who love math to provide free math tutoring to students of all ages and grade levels. With expertise and patience, volunteers have helped over 200 students improve their grades and take the stress out of math.


Upon review of the 2012 Colorado Department of Education assessment scores that showed less than one third of 10th grade students were “proficient” or “advanced” in math, the Pikes Peak Library District sought ways to help. This represented a new challenge for PPLD, which offered a wide variety of programs and courses, but none specific to math. A solution to address this deficit that was enthusiastically embraced by the Library was a math tutoring program suggested by the volunteer program co-coordinators. The goal of the program is to provide free walk-in math tutoring to students of all ages. The program was envisioned to help elementary, middle school, high school, home school, on-line, and college students as well as adults studying for exams such as the GED. Often students are unsure of basic math concepts which makes it difficult to do well. As a result, they conclude that they are “just bad in math.” With a little one-on-one help, many of these students can be successful. AfterMath fills several unique niches by providing help for students who cannot afford private tutors, supporting local schools and families, and offering an opportunity for a new type of community volunteer. AfterMath innovation was to bring together students and community volunteers to fulfill PPLD’s mission of “providing resources and opportunities that change individual lives and build community.”

Key Elements of Innovation

Prior to the launch of AfterMath, the co-coordinators recruited friendly, knowledgeable tutors from a wide range of backgrounds - retired math teachers, chemical and aerospace engineers, Air Force Academy professors, high school honor students and other math-minded community members. Library personnel posted the volunteer opportunity on their website, expedited background checks, created marketing materials and conducted an orientation session. Lewis-Palmer School District immediately supported the concept and generously loaned copies of math textbooks and helped advertise the AfterMath program throughout their schools. Fliers were distributed at private schools, Tri-Lakes Cares, and other community locations. AfterMath meets from 3:30-7:00 p.m. on most Mondays from September through May. The program is professional, yet has a relaxed “coffee shop” feel, intentionally different from home or school. There are no appointments or requirements, tutors are called by first name, and students can stay as long as they like. There are typically 14-15 tutors on hand and 20-30 students depending on test schedules. During the current school year, AfterMath tutors have met with students in 487 sessions and volunteered 788 hours . At a central desk, students are matched with a tutor who is proficient in the needed area of mathematics. Paperwork has been minimized to a single notebook, with one page per student that lists math course and tutors, and one page that lists every tutor with the math courses each covers. Students and parents have appreciated this barrier-free resource for math help that requires neither money nor appointments. At the same time, tutors have truly enjoyed the opportunity to assist young people in their area of expertise.

Achieved Outcomes

The AfterMath program has succeeded beyond all expectations. Schools recommend the program to parents, students bring friends, and tutors recruit colleagues. Mondays now find the Monument Library buzzing with tutors and students demystifying elementary through college-level math. The qualified assistance available when a student is stuck on a concept has been greatly appreciated. It also has long-term effects when considering the competitive nature of society and the pressure students face to achieve strong grades as a gateway to higher education and lifetime success. At the same time, tutors have truly enjoyed the opportunity to assist young people in their area of expertise. Inspired by the Monument program, Pikes Peak Library District’s East and Manitou Springs Libraries have launched AfterMath programs in 2014. The informality and simplicity of this volunteer program make it easy to replicate, and it has a profound impact on both students and the tutors who guide them. Comments from students and parents about AfterMath include: “AfterMath is a wonderful and very approachable program. Their great tutors helped me get the grade I needed in AP calculus.” “My 9th grade son did not feel confident in math…he is now eager to attend, more confident in tackling Algebra I and his grades have improved.” “I thank you for putting on a wonderful, very helpful program for us students.” AfterMath contributes to building community within the library. Libraries are about learning, empowerment, new ideas, and a caring society. The AfterMath program embodies everything positive about coming to the library.