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Autism Employment Expo

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Autism Employment Expo

Toronto Public Library

Workforce and Economic Development | 2024

Innovation Synopsis

On October 26, 2023, TPL hosted its inaugural Autism Employment Expo. Autistic job seekers had the opportunity to hear inspiring talks, participate in skill-building workshops, meet employers and service providers, and connect with library resources.

The Expo was developed through the City Librarian’s Innovation Challenge, an annual callout for staff ideas; one of the involved staff identifies as autistic.

The event was informed by research and lived experience. The team consulted with autistic adults and service providers to host a sensory-aware event, which included sensory kits, a quiet room and a social story that prepared guests for the event.

Over 200 guests attended the sold-out event, some traveling over two hours; one family came from Buffalo, New York! Feedback was very positive. One guest noted, “There was an undeniable mood of hope, progress, understanding, and inclusivity. (TPL) can show the way for (others) to follow.” A 2nd annual Expo will take place on October 9, 2024.


TPL identified and explored the following challenges and opportunities through our inaugural Autism Employment Expo:

  • TPL’s strategic focus on workforce development over the past several years has led to increased staff expertise and strong community partnerships. However, some communities remain underserved in this area. How can we leverage our existing expertise to expand our services?
  • How do we identify and support the employment needs and interests of autistic individuals?
  • How do we create a sensory-aware event experience that supports the needs of autistic and neurodiverse individuals, so that they have an enjoyable and positive time at the library?
  • How do we develop our capacity to provide appropriate services for neurodiverse youth and adults at the library?

Key Elements of Innovation

TPL’s Autism Employment Expo addressed our challenges and opportunities through these innovations:

  • Using design thinking-informed research and consultations with autistic individuals and service providers to surface the employment needs of autistic individuals
  • Creating a sensory-aware event that utilized sensory kits (e.g. communications badges, noise-canceling headphones, fidgets), space accommodations (e.g. dim lighting, a quiet room), greeters and wayfinding to support guests
  • Leveraging the skills of staff with lived experience to shape the event in a user-centered way
  • Providing audience-sensitive communications, such as social stories and plain-language messaging
  • Collaborating with expert organizations to deliver skill-building workshops
  • Featuring inspirational speakers with lived experience, including our keynote, entrepreneur Andreas Souvaliotis
  • Conducting a lessons-learned exercise after the Expo to document best practices for future events

Achieved Outcomes

TPL’s inaugural Autism Employment Expo was a successful pilot and achieved numerous positive outcomes:

  • A sold-out event attended by over 200 guests, including those who traveled as far as two hours away, including Buffalo, New York
  • Positive feedback and suggestions for future events, including an attendee who noted that “the event was extremely well organized… Fidget toys and color-coded communication labels were a thoughtful touch that made us feel seen and understood.”
  • Meaningful new relationships with service providers that can inform future events and further service development for the autism community
  • Positive media coverage, including a front-page feature on and a spot on the popular radio show Metro Morning. Watch/listen here.
  • A research- and lived experience-informed framework the library can use to host other sensory aware events for neurodiverse individuals
  • Interest to do more similar events. A 2nd annual Autism Employment Expo is already scheduled for October 9, 2024