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Baltimore County Dialogs on Race

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Baltimore County Dialogs on Race

Baltimore County Public Library

Equity and Inclusion | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

To address racial and social inequity and effect change in the community, Baltimore County Public Library hosted discussion series “Baltimore County Dialogs on Race.” The virtual series, which took place from August 2020 through June 2021 was emceed by radio host Farajii Muhammad and featured local and national experts on race and equity.


The series was held in the height of the pandemic and during a social uprising sparked by the murder of George Floyd. People were angry and it was an important time to have candid conversations. Our team used this an opportunity to host virtual conversations with community leaders, activists, academics, local police and more. In addition to strengthening our community, the series also sought to challenge mis- and dis-information by bringing together experts and individuals with lived experiences to share their stories.

Key Elements of Innovation

This collaborative effort brought together library staff, the Baltimore County Human Relations Commission and Office of Diversity and Equity, in collaboration with Morgan State University's WEAA 88.9. Topics included supporting the LGBTQIA+ community, education, community conversations, advancing health equity, voting rights and community-police relations. In addition to the panel discussions, community members were invited to participate in breakout conversations often facilitated by invested county partners.

Achieved Outcomes

To date, the virtual series has attracted 683 attendees. In the discussions, biases were challenged and participants left wanting to continue the conversation. Library staff anticipated this, as the pandemic left many feeling isolated, powerless and looking for connections. The panel discussions and follow-up community conversations provided opportunities for participants to share thoughts and experiences with the intent of this information being considered and used by decision makers in future policy planning.