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Be All In

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Be All In

Tulsa City-County Library, Okla.

Library Operations & Management | 2019

Innovation Synopsis

Every organization has a culture — a group of shared beliefs and values that shape perceptions and behaviors. In 2018, TCCL leadership set out to put words to those values. Through an intense nine-month process, involving all TCCL employees, our library system launched its new culture statement — BE ALL IN!


Over the past five to seven years, TCCL employees experienced several organizational changes resulting in improved customer experiences and external facing success. However, with the organization’s external focus, internal factors including time constraints, adequate employee training and staff voicing platforms were often overlooked. The organization was missing an important key element in its success, employee engagement.

Key Elements of Innovation

We engaged staff at all 25 locations for their input in what they wanted their work culture to be. Then consolidated those ideas to pick the top four repeating themes. We then rolled out the theme over nine months with various campaign materials including weekly emails, videos and an all staff presentation where other staff members gave TED-style talks about what each tenet meant to them. We also created engagement guides to help managers continue the conversations with their staff during their daily five-minute meetings.

Achieved Outcomes

First, we wanted to clearly articulate the new culture statement and its tenets to the internal employee audience. We did this using three different communication channels. Second, we wanted to directly involve the audience in the campaign. We asked staff to share input on the campaign and received participation numbers of about 70%. Lastly, we wanted to create a memorable tool to help employees remember the tenets. We created an attractive engagement tool for staff to keep using and measured their use on a monthly basis.