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Book Sanctuary

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Book Sanctuary

Ferguson Library

Advocacy & Awareness | 2023

Innovation Synopsis

We were proud to stand with the City of Stamford to designate Stamford a Book Sanctuary City. Protecting endangered books and standing up to censorship has always been part of our mission, but in this era of ever-widening book challenges and attacks on freedom of speech, this work takes on new and vital importance.


Libraries play a crucial role in our democracy. Our job is to collect material and provide programming that reflects our communities but also represents diverse viewpoints. Intellectual freedom is the cornerstone of a democracy and it is essential that multiple views be represented. The rising number of book challenges at public libraries across the country is gravely troubling. We wanted to send a message that Stamford stands against censorship.

Key Elements of Innovation

In December 2022, the library's board approved a resolution declaring the Ferguson Library a Book Sanctuary. The City of Stamford became a key partner and joined with us in taking the further step of designating Stamford a Book Sanctuary City. The overriding goal was to make the public aware of the need to stand up for free speech and the right to read. We are committed to collecting and protecting endangered books, making them accessible to the public and hosting book talks, events, and conversations.

Achieved Outcomes

We received positive press coverage, including a piece on our local cable station and an op-ed in the Stamford Advocate. We have also enjoyed overwhelming support from the community. One quote: "So proud that our library and city stand for intellectual freedom and the openness to read books...thank you, Ferguson."

We will continue to add to our collection of endangered books and host related programming to keep this issue at the forefront. We can measure program attendance and social media engagement on this front.