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Bridge Libraries

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Bridge Libraries

San José Public Library, Calif.

Equity and Inclusion | 2019

Innovation Synopsis

Although San José Public Library has 24 locations throughout the City of San José, geographic barriers limit residents’ ability to access library services. In an effort to bring new library services to underserved communities in neighborhoods where building a permanent branch may not be possible, the library developed the concept of “Bridge Libraries.”


SJPL is committed to equity and access to resources, supporting our community to learn, grow and thrive. The Bridge Libraries are designed to:

  • Eliminate barriers to library use
  • Connect with the surrounding community and increase awareness of the library’s resources
  • Provide access to materials, technology and programs that meet community needs and interests
  • Advocate for literacy and lifelong learning
  • Enhance partnerships, develop new innovative services and bring in resources

Key Elements of Innovation

SJPL’s Bridge Library model offers flexible solutions for increasing access to library services. The Bridge Collection model provides access to books, programs and resources for families using partner Family Resource Centers and serves as a "bridge" to the library. The Tech Bridge model provides access to technology at a homeless shelter and library staff provide job skills programs.

Achieved Outcomes

  • Community has access to over 3,500 books as a result of the Bridge Collection
  • 92% of families surveyed indicated reading more together as a result of SJPL's presence in their community
  • Over 3,000 new, underserved families were reached through the Bridge Library model
  • Community has free access to technology through the laptop kiosk pilot
  • Opportunity to serve the city’s most vulnerable populations through partnerships
  • Children are engaged in more learning opportunities as a result of the programming