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Building Leaders at Every Level of the Organization

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Building Leaders at Every Level of the Organization

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, N.C.

Library Operations & Management

Innovation Synopsis

At Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, investments in leadership development and talent ensure digitally proficient, customer responsive, flexible and continuously learning staff to serve a growing and diverse community. The Library is passionate about developing staff to their highest potential and has implemented a Human Capital strategy to build capacity and leadership.


To successfully execute Library strategic goals, we are investing in our most valuable resource, our staff. Our goals are that 100 percent of staff are able to answer 90 perent of all customer questions; staff talents and positions are well aligned; staff are identified, developed and ready for advancement; and staff have professional enhancement opportunities that enable them to address the current and future needs of our community. The Library’s comprehensive strategy includes a formal leadership development program, mentoring program, team opportunities, digital competencies training, cross-training, career paths and succession planning.

Key Elements of Innovation

Leadership development cultivates leaders over ten months; topics include building trust, positive attitude, humor, innovation and self-awareness. Mentoring offers both “flash” and year-long support for those seeking a working relationship to support professional development, personal advancement and leadership. With team involvement, employees experience planning, problem solving and decision-making to support initiatives, services, and resources to better serve customers. Fifty staff-led teams drive organizational innovation and change. Training/development includes digital competencies to build capacity and improve job performance, Career Paths to help staff with tools needed to advance, and cross-training increases flexibility. Succession Planning actively identifies and prepares talent for advancement.

Achieved Outcomes

Leadership Development produced 22 graduates; nine were promoted or selected for state and national leadership academies, while others lead system teams and participate in large-scale initiatives like ONEAccess. Mentoring perpetuates a culture of collaboration and learning across the organization. Fifty active teams provide opportunities to collaborate, lead, and develop skills. Digital Competencies ensures that staff are competent in Email, Hardware/OS, Internet, Digital Devices/Resources, Software/Web Applications and Web Technologies. Career Paths help staff from every job class successfully visualize and navigate career advancement. Cross-training ensures staff flexibility and adaptability for changing needs. Succession Planning positions employees to advance within the organization.