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CA Libraries Cultivating Racial Equity & Inclusion

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CA Libraries Cultivating Racial Equity & Inclusion

Marin County Free Library

Equity and Inclusion | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

California Libraries Cultivating Racial Equity & Inclusion's (CREI) foal is to catalyze a statewide network of libraries and library staff committed to racial equity and inclusion for all through skills building; deepening conversations; taking action to grow equity; and measuring success.


It is critical that public libraries are inclusive and diverse. The internal and public facing components of libraries will be more effective when equity, inclusion and belonging are the intent as well as impact of libraries for our public and staff. Chantel Walker (Assistant Director, Marin County Free Library) and Patty Wong (ALA President /Santa Clara City Librarian), the CREI designers, envision equity becoming a value that is as closely held and consistently practiced in the library field as privacy.

Key Elements of Innovation

  1. Supported/strengthened a statewide network of libraries and library staff committed to racial equity
  2. Guided the development/implementation of Racial Equity Action Plans in partnership the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE)
  3. Expanded the reach of CREI by increasing the number library systems and partners organizations engaged
  4. Developed innovative content which further explored the ways in which California libraries can cultivate racial equity and inclusion – website; VR; mentoring; etc

Achieved Outcomes

  • Six three-day racial equity skills trainings for cohorts of three to six staff per jurisdiction, 175+ people
  • 25+ Racial Equity Plans developed to date
  • Two regional learning communities, Southern California and Central/Northern California
  • Curriculum focused on racial equity and library services.
  • Three webinars – Equity during Crisis; Results Based Accountability; Cultural Intelligence
  • Four library director meetings - Adaptive Leadership; Learning Resources; Obstacles to Success and Success Factors; and, Community Engagement