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cafécollege Houston

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cafécollege Houston

Houston Public Library, Texas

Workforce and Economic Development

Innovation Synopsis


Research shows that low-income and minority students face significant barriers to college access and success. Further compounding matters is that generally high schools serving these students lack adequate counseling capacity. True to its name, cafécollege Houston provides access to proprietary online resources as well as college and career advisors in a welcoming relaxed environment providing WiFi and free beverages. Whether seeking assistance for financial aid or identifying a new career, cafécollege Houston provides quality comprehensive programs and services that foster pathways to success and opportunity for all served regardless of past academic, criminal, or financial history.

Key Elements of Innovation

The key innovation in this program is approaching a significant community educational and workforce issue through a service learning model that leverages the Library’s role as a trusted community resource, community convener, and strong contributor to the quality of life for the more than 2.2 million residents HPL serves. cafécollege Houston also strongly positions the Library as an essential education partner and substantiates the library’s relevancy in the 21st century through alignment with secondary and postsecondary entities, nonprofits and other government agencies seeking partnership.

Achieved Outcomes

Libraries are well positioned to meet the college and career needs for those most vulnerable and cafécollege Houston is helping to meet these needs in a meaningful way. In just six months, cafécollege Houston has had 2,254 visitors, conducted 1,100 workshops, and 492 counseling sessions, demonstrating considerable public demand for the services provided. Significantly, through cafécollege Houston, the Library is positioning Houstonians to have a better prepared and educated workforce to compete and succeed in the 21st century.