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Anti-Racism Initiative

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Anti-Racism Initiative

Cambridge Public Library

Equity and Inclusion | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

One year has passed since the Cambridge Public Library started its anti-racism initiative. Its purpose is to build an anti-racism, equity, and inclusion environment and culture. This has included planning with consultants, creation of an anti-racism task force, learning sessions for staff and the public and self-directed learning opportunities.


CPL acknowledges the systemic inequities that have shaped our society and takes intentional action to create more equitable outcomes. This includes a commitment to dismantling institutional structures, beliefs, and behaviors that perpetuate inequity based on race. Planning for an anti-racism initiative was underway in early 2020. When Breonna Taylor and others were killed, the outrage felt by many staff and patrons heightened our sense of urgency to start earlier and was the driving impetus for the past year's work.

Key Elements of Innovation

CPL’s anti-racism initiative has developed through intentional planning and iteration into four components:

  • Administrative leadership coordination, development and planning with our consultants
  • A staff-led anti-racism task force that includes a public programming work group
  • Learning sessions for a cross-section of managers and staff
  • Learning cohorts and self-directed learning through curriculum such as Project Ready, learning partners and suggested readings and discussions

Achieved Outcomes

Objective (O): Managers will understand what antiracism work is and why we are doing it.
In Practice (P): “I better understand my privilege.” “I’ve incorporated listening and inclusive practices."

  • O: Staff will know more about structural racism.
    • P: “I am aware that racism is everyone's concern.”
  • O: The task force will create its purpose, outcomes, and process.
    • P: “We helped staff to learn through a resource guide and book discussions and the public to learn by producing a racial and social justice program series."