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Career Coaching at the Library

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Career Coaching at the Library

San Francisco Public Library, Calif.

Workforce and Economic Development

Innovation Synopsis

Coaching is helpful for self inquiry and self assessment; it gives encouragement, guidance on best practices, structure and “homework” to stay on track. Information about SFPL and local resources for job search skill-building is also provided. Patrons are given the support they need to accomplish their career goals.


Job seekers and career changers often have resource limitations and may not be able to afford personal one-on-one guidance in their job search. Patrons often need directional guidance, emotional support, resume help and affordable resources to equip them with the tools to effectively conduct a viable job search or to change careers. This free program provides all of these, empowering library patrons to obtain the employment they want.

Key Elements of Innovation

This program provides one-on-one job coaching in half-hour sessions with a certified life coach by appointment. Repeat sessions are allowed. Three career coaches are available and time slots are both during the day and in the evening to meet varied schedule needs. The Library is not only meeting patrons’ hard skill needs for the job search but is approaching it from a holistic perspective and addressing the emotional and mental strain of looking for employment.

Achieved Outcomes

Since its inception one year and four months ago, we have served 467 individuals and nearly 30 percent returned for repeat sessions. Feedback includes many expressions of gratitude such as, “This has given me focus and direction!” and “The counselor addressed my questions and concerns and provided concrete follow up steps, which I found very positive.” One repeating patron found the sessions life changing and commended the library for offering this unique service.