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CD of the Month Club

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CD of the Month Club

Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton, Ohio

Innovation Synopsis

Customers participating in the “CD of the Month Club” (CDotM) receive a CD every month. These CDs are selected by Library staff based on a customer’s answers to a short survey describing her/his favorite music. The staff-selected CD is conveniently sent to a branch location selected by the customer.


In the era of Pandora and Spotify, personalized music discovery is a basic expectation of music listeners. CDotM taps into this trend, achieving with expert staff what Pandora attempts to achieve with algorithms. CDotM shines a light into dark corners of the Library’s vast music collection of approximately 45,000 titles, bringing obscure treasures to new ears and increasing circulation and awareness of many underappreciated titles. Broadening customers’ horizons and encouraging personal exploration is a central goal of CD of the Month Club. Success has been demonstrated when members describe how a particular selection sent them down a trail of music discovery. Through CD of the Month Club, one member described a newfound appreciation for guitar jazz, thanks to a selection of recordings by guitarist Wes Montgomery. Another came into the library to discuss how a CD of avant-garde Korean music he received “melted his brain” and that had created an interest in Korean culture. CDotM presents the library as a vital, relevant, people-driven and customer-focused institution. At PLCH we embrace a proactive customer service model that emphasizes connecting people to all our resources on a daily basis. CDotM takes this philosophy to another level. It also brings to the library the “cred” and vitality of an indie record store and the personalization of an online streaming service with the heart of a neighborhood librarian.

Key Elements of Innovation

CDotM innovates while employing existing library infrastructure, services, and staffing. Selections are made by staff in the Popular Library Department and are delivered via the standard holds procedures. Selections are identified by an insert affixed to the front of the CD case stating “Greetings CD of the Month Club Member! We picked out this CD just for you. We hope you like it!”

New members join by filling out a paper or online form. In addition to selecting their favorite genres and listing their favorite bands, Club members are asked to indicate any music styles or types they do not like. Members are offered the opportunity to select how adventurous they would like their monthly selections to be (on a scale from “don’t bother sending me something I’ve never heard before” to “I dare you to blow my mind”). Member preferences are organized using basic MS Word and Excel software. These member profiles include a list of past selections and any feedback received from the customer. A recent Library Journal article details how the program works, and we have created an online program-in-a-box intended to assist other libraries in establishing their own CD of the Month Clubs. While some other libraries offer music advisory services which provide one-time lists of music recommendations, CDotM differs by building continuing individual relationships with its 700+ members rather than providing a one-time service.

Achieved Outcomes

Since February 2013 CDotM has grown to more than 700 members (729 as of April 16, 2014) at all 41 of our locations, and as of April 16, 2014 we have sent out 4,755 personalized CD recommendations. CDotM was recently hailed by CityBeat (a widely-read weekly alternative newspaper) as the “Best Way to Hear New & Different Recorded Music”, topping the “Arts & Nightlife Staff Picks” section of its Best of 2014 issue. Almost every day Library staff hear directly from members that the music they have received opened new listening horizons. Particularly for “occasional” , a group of users targeted in the Library’s Strategic Plan and defined as customers who use the Library once a month or less, CDotM is a monthly reminder of all the library has to offer.. In more than one confirmed instance, customers have signed up for library cards specifically to join CD of the Month Club! When we recently asked one longtime member what she thought of the selections we sent so far she wrote back to us: “Very good job so far! I've enjoyed listening to almost everything sent. … I was glad to listen to something I never would've chosen on my own!” This is the sort of encouraging feedback we receive from satisfied customers almost every day.