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Central Conversations

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Central Conversations

St. Louis Public Library, Mo.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis

During a 90-minute program, the audience ask questions of a panel of three to four experts with the discussion guided by a moderator. The topic of the program has been chosen by a survey of cardholders and staff select panelists that represent diverse ideas. There are no prepared presentations.


There are many presentations and programs where patrons can listen with maybe a few minutes for Q & A. Central Conversations is entirely Q & A so the audience members get the chance to have their specific questions answered by experts. The experts can compare & contrast their approaches to a problem or issue. The audience feels engaged, is given the chance to speak, and is truly empowered to direct the conversation.

Key Elements of Innovation

Cardholders were surveyed online in early 2015 with a list of topics from which to choose and also suggest others. The top three formed the basis for the series in 2015 — urban farming, education, racial justice. The topics for 2016 were pet advocacy, community empowerment, and, for September, small business. We have refined the process based on turnout. Some programs are audiotaped and posted to SoundCloud, which allows us to reach more people. Another survey will generate new topics for 2017 and 2018. Audiences have been made up of various ages, races, gender and economic and educational backgrounds.

Achieved Outcomes

Central Library is being recognized as the place to meet for community forums and discussions. Three other organizations scheduled panel programs in the same format with the Library as a partner in late 2015 and 2016. Patrons have noticed the Library is willing to take on topics of importance to the community, even if a few could be controversial. With an expanded website in the fall, the discussions can continue online after people listen to the audio recording. Library staff will post related websites and books for people to check out.