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Chapter One

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Chapter One

Kitchener Public Library, Ontario

Innovation Synopsis

Launched on June 22, 2017, "Chapter One" is a uniquely branded campaign created to reach our millennial customers. The campaign uses social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Medium, Meetup and Snapchat) to market to this group. The initiative focuses on story telling and special events geared to this specific demographic.


As we looked around our library and event attendance, we knew we were missing a vital voice; the young artists, designers and entrepreneurs in our community. With "Chapter One," we want to start a conversation that allows millennial customers to tell their own stories via blogs, social media and e-newsletters. Millennial local business owners and entrepreneurs have embraced "Chapter One" as a way of networking with their peers outside of their work environments.

Key Elements of Innovation

Through social media engagement, the library has connected with an important demographic, engaging with them on their own terms, in their own spaces and at their preferred times. Library staff have been able to develop services that are non-traditional to help meet their needs, and demonstrate that the library has tools and equipment relevant to them (such as 3D printing, broadcasting and podcasting).

Achieved Outcomes

KPL is building on our traditional relationships to meet millennials where they are in - the community and online. We are seeing increased use of library spaces, including study/office space, the digital studio and meetups. Through this initiative, we've already experienced an increase in social media engagement with more than 40,000 impressions and more than 3,000 engagements. Quote from our launch: “I came away wanting to tell everyone about it, so job well done.”