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Citizen Science

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Citizen Science

San Francisco Public Library, Calif.

Health & Wellness | 2018

Innovation Synopsis

Citizen science is a movement where people make observations, collect data and help answer some of our planet’s most pressing questions. A bioblitz is a gathering to document nature using iNaturalist, giving a snapshot of what species are where and when, providing invaluable data to researchers and connecting people to nature.


The library offers bioblitz programs as an exciting way to incorporate technology as a learning tool. Patrons discover how the simple act of communicating observations can make a significant impact. Citizen science initiatives promote civic engagement through involving patrons in local resource issues, which increases civic awareness, all while creating scientific data sets for scientists and land managers. We enlighten and intrigue patrons about the natural world, with a goal of encouraging environmental stewardship.

Key Elements of Innovation

  • California Academy of Sciences trains library staff to conduct bioblitzes
  • Created bioblitz kits (iPads with the iNaturalist app and local field guides)
  • Librarians check out bioblitz kits and have everything they need to take out a group to do a bioblitz in their community
  • Participants document all the biodiversity they see within a prescribed setting; the iNaturalist app maps and shares the time and place stamped photographic observations of nature

Achieved Outcomes

San Francisco has a commitment to environmental leadership, developing innovative policies and practical environmental programs, making it one of the greenest cities in the world. Our librarian-led bioblitzes align us with the city’s sustainability efforts while engaging patrons of all ages. Patrons benefit from a greater understanding of the natural world and develop continued interest and participation in citizen science. Also library staff engage with the community beyond the confines of a library.