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Civic Action & Community Engagement for All!

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Civic Action & Community Engagement for All!

Austin Public Library, Texas

Advocacy & Awareness | 2020

Innovation Synopsis

A Community Services Team was created in 2018 to support people experiencing homelessness. To increase reach, the team moved in 2020 to Outreach to work alongside our puppeteers and bookmobile. Through innovative partnerships, this new team provides food, PPE, books, Census completion and voter registration to our city’s vulnerable populations.


Civic engagement with communities already experiencing adverse socioeconomic impacts was made even more difficult due to the pandemic. In order to reach our city’s marginalized communities, the library was going to need help! Food and PPE distributions provided the best opportunity to engage people safely and responsibly. The library launched a mobile effort with the Census Bureau and the county so that anyone showing up for food or PPE could also complete the Census for their household and get registered to vote.

Key Elements of Innovation

Through a blend of virtual and in-person outreach, our patrons and the wider community continued to have access to the library. A community navigation email was created so that patrons and their advocates could reach our staff. APL+, our new Vimeo channel, made it possible to share civic engagement content. To civically engage the public in person, we distributed books and brought Census staff and voter registrars to walk up and drive thru events where people received food, PPE, hygiene products and bus passes.

Achieved Outcomes

The library’s participation in food and PPE distribution events made it possible to reach thousands of households who received information and took advantage of the opportunities to get registered to vote and get counted in the Census. We also reached people experiencing homelessness with opportunities to get counted and registered to vote. Our city’s undercounted and underrepresented communities responded enthusiastically to our new service model and we plan to repeat or redesign as needed through this difficult time.