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Collaborative Partnerships for Success

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Collaborative Partnerships for Success

Montgomery County Public Libraries, Md.

Health & Wellness

Innovation Synopsis

To enhance services for our diverse community, Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL) seeks out partners to assist with developing and implementing programs and services at branches that would otherwise be difficult to offer. Combining efforts and sharing expertise benefits all partners involved and makes libraries the community’s heart and core.


Montgomery County, MD, houses many different government and non-government agencies as well as non-profit organizations that serve the multicultural and economically diverse County of more than 1 million residents. MCPL has prioritized collaborating with many non-profits, county departments and local community agencies in order to strengthen the services offered to the community and emphasize the fact that local libraries are the community's heart and core. The collaboration is beneficial to all parties. Partners make use of the library's physical space to bring their communities and their programming to the library or provide specific services at the library, offering enhanced expertise. These partnerships provide MCPL with a wider pool of knowledge, skills and contacts while learning about and reaching out to different communities.

Key Elements of Innovation

Through these partnerships, MCPL branches become the central and vital locations in the community to attend English language classes, computer training, stortytimes and conversation clubs in different languages, teen digital media training, health workshops, diverse ethnic cultural events and children’s makerspace activities. This partnership helps MCPL achieve its mission of offering free and equal access to services and resources that connect people to ideas and information, as well as helping learners succeed by promoting the Libraries’ resources, services, and programs. These partnerships bring new users into the library, and this makes the Library a one stop service for many.

Achieved Outcomes

The collaborative partnerships between MCPL and organizations and agencies model how libraries and communities can work together to more effectively deliver services and resources to a highly diverse and geographically dispersed community. By strategically thinking collectively, the involved groups demonstrate the ability to work collaboratively to achieve results, meet goals together while respecting the individual partners' missions, and provide a successful model for excelling at meeting the community’s needs. Without these partnerships, many of the services and programs offered by these organizations would not be as successful in reaching the communities they must reach. By redefining and reshaping the meaning of public service, the partnerships create a new public service vision with the goal of enriching the lives of the residents of Montgomery County, MD.