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Community Led Landscaping

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Community Led Landscaping

Alexandria Library, Va.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis

Through a collaboration of a City Adopt-a-Garden program, the Friends of Duncan Branch Library (FODL), and Library Administration, a landscaping plan has been developed to enhance the Duncan Branch Library grounds. Phase 1 is fully funded by FODL and will be used to spur fundraising for phases 2 and 3.


The Duncan Branch Library is the first City of Alexandria building with an ecologically-friendly rooftop, often referred to as a green roof, and is located in the Del Ray neighborhood of the City. The Friends of Duncan Branch Library (FODL) felt strongly that the Branch’s “front yard” served as a “face” of the City and should be as welcoming and cared for as the homes in the surrounding area. Challenges included finding enough volunteers to improve and maintain the grounds, expanding and drawing more attention to the green roof garden already on the grounds, creating a shared landscaping vision, and funding a project of this scale. The opportunity was in finding a way for the City and Alexandria Library to partner with the FODL in developing a plan and creating opportunities for citizens to engage with the FODL and the Library in a new way, whether as volunteers or through educational interactions about the green roof, horticulture, and/or promotion of plantings complementing the native ecology.

Key Elements of Innovation

In 2013, the City’s Adopt-a-Garden program, described as a partnership between the City of Alexandria and its citizens, provided an avenue for the Friends of Duncan Branch Library (FODL) to pursue developing a landscaping plan. The program is designed to educate the community, empower citizens, and promote using plants appropriate to the local ecology. The program is primarily intended for small gardens in public spaces, but the Library and the FODL saw it as an opportunity to expedite the approval process as well as develop a partnership with the City in improving the Branch Library’s grounds. The FODL committed $10,000 to fund the first phase with plans to use that investment as a springboard to raise more money to fund later phases of the project. Bids were solicited from local landscaping firms to assist in developing a plan that would address the entire Branch Library property and increase visibility of the existing green roof garden. The local firm selected also agreed to draw up plans pro bono as well as to assist in any meetings with the City Horticulturist to make the case for approving the plans. Library Administration and the City Horticulturist assisted in refining the plans and ensuring the long term impacts of maintenance and upkeep were addressed. Phase 1 work will begin in early May 2014.

Achieved Outcomes

Anticipated outcomes include increased visibility of the green roof garden and City “green” initiatives; increased educational opportunities; increased volunteer support; and increased fundraising capacity of the Friends of the Duncan Branch Library (FODL). Expanding the green roof garden coupled with this summer’s STEM-themed summer reading program will allow the Duncan Branch to begin educating the public about the City’s many “green” initiatives that not only are good for the environment but save the City – and ultimately the public – money that can then be put toward services and programs. Attractive garden spaces will attract volunteers interested in helping to maintain the grounds. Beginning the project with a professional landscaping firm will allow for soil treatment and the heavy work of planting trees and shrubs to be done quickly and efficiently, and ongoing maintenance and upkeep can then be supported through volunteer efforts. The FODL envision the initial investment in the first phase of work as a fundraising opportunity for phases two and three. Expanding their capacity for fundraising will benefit this project in particular but also future projects and partnership between and among the FODL, the City, and the Alexandria Library.