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Community Visioning Sessions

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Community Visioning Sessions

County of Los Angeles Public Library, Calif.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis

Los Angeles County Library provides service to over 3.4 million constituents, all from unique communities. With a new library director, the library hosted five town-hall meetings, encouraging open and honest conversations with customers and stakeholders. With live video conferencing, over 1,000 people engaged and shared their vision of libraries.


What was once a quiet space at the library is now a community center with bustling information desks, children’s areas and study spaces. Unfortunately, potential library customers may not be aware of programs and services and often associate their current library with a vision that is dated. Visioning Sessions at LA County Libraries provided a platform for staff, customers and stakeholders to discuss expectations, programs, services and their ultimate vision of a community library.

Key Elements of Innovation

Visioning Sessions encouraged customers to share their thoughts and guide the future direction of libraries. Five community sessions were held at a hub location, and each was live-streamed to two other libraries, totaling 15 participating locations. Participants had an honest discussion about the role of the library, and the live-stream allowed different communities to engage in real-time conversations. A microsite was created to collect feedback from those that were not able to attend the sessions.

Achieved Outcomes

With over 350 people in attendance, 139 online submissions and 545 comments on idea boards, community members showed their interest in libraries and library service. Administration identified the following annual priorities: establishing interactive learning environments, redesigning adult literacy programs, establishing an intergenerational model for mentoring and tutoring and expanding library service hours. The sessions demonstrated that libraries are a place of ongoing transformation, where programs and services are designed to fulfill community aspirations and needs.