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Community Volunteer Training

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Community Volunteer Training

King County Library System, Wash.

Education - Children & Adults | 2018

Innovation Synopsis

The Community Volunteer Training provides volunteers in Seattle/King County a network and knowledge to assist adult learners and English language learners. In partnership, the King County Library System, the Seattle Public Library, Seattle Goodwill, Seattle Central College, Literacy Source and OneAmerica share the responsibility of offering two annual events.


In 2015, an informal network of adult education program managers identified a need for training opportunities for program volunteers beyond what their individual organization provided. Data from our five organizations showed that, combined, 422 volunteers provided instructional services to 2,717 adult learners in 2014. After surveying service providers throughout King County, it became clear that the need was widespread. Through coordinated efforts and shared resources, we could address multiple skills training and volunteer recruitment needs.

Key Elements of Innovation

A newly formed committee identified core skills necessary to support adult learners and created a four-hour, multi-workshop and networking event model. Elements include a keynote and repeat sessions on understanding unique needs of adult learners, immigrants and refugees; best practices for individual and group instruction; supporting job training, life skills and civic engagement; and exploring innovations in, for example, digital literacy. After each event, workshop materials are posted to a webpage managed by Seattle Goodwill.

Achieved Outcomes

Since the first free Community Volunteer Training in October 2015, an event occurs every spring and fall. Registration is open to all. Six hundred ten unique attendees representing over 100 organizations have completed at least one of six events, 12 percent have attended more than one. At the April 2018 event, 95 of the 112 attendees returned the survey – 81 percent reported achieving their personal goal, 85 percent feel better prepared and 85 percent will apply what they learned.