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Connect, Coach and Care

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Connect, Coach and Care

Edmonton Public Library

Library Operations & Management | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

The Edmonton Public Library quickly adapted to provide excellent pandemic service, but these changes had an impact on our staff. EPL’s Leadership Practice Team provided supports to managers as they led through unprecedented challenges. The team created the “Connect, Coach and Care Package” to equip managers to support themselves and their teams.


Edmonton Public Library faced multiple closures, service disruptions, and staff layoffs and turnover over the last 18 months. Managers across the system expressed concern about the anxiety being felt by their staff. EPL’s Leadership Practice Team, a team of leaders from across the system, saw the need for managers to support their staff and themselves. The Team drew on EPL’s Leadership Promise, commitments that defines our leadership culture. One of the key commitments of the promise is to “connect, coach and care.”

Key Elements of Innovation

The team developed the Connect, Coach and Care Package. Tools included resources on connecting, stress and control, coping with lay-offs, and leading through change. Managers used these articles, activities, podcasts, and images as they connected with, coached, and showed care for their teams. The tools were tied back to core EPL manager leadership training, as well as the Leadership Promise. The Team also held regular events for managers to dig deeper into different areas of leadership and to learn from each other.

Achieved Outcomes

The outcome was managers who are compassionate about staff and their experiences. With empathy, managers continue to build connection and trust. They reach out, acknowledge, and ensure staff and colleagues feel heard, seen, and recognized. Through this, we enhance our sense of shared purpose and understanding. Manager feedback has been very positive: “The CCC Package helped me with my own expectations of myself during a highly stressful period. It gave me that piece of self-acceptance when I struggled with the unknown.”