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Connecting Communities for Critical Conversations

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Connecting Communities for Critical Conversations

Houston Public Library, Texas

Equity and Inclusion | 2018

Innovation Synopsis

With a specific focus on Houston’s Bicentennial Child born in 2018 and set to graduate from high school as our city turns 200, Houston Public Library hosted a series of critical conversations highlighting the future of our common humanity as affected by contemporary urban education issues.


Houston finds itself in 2018 with having resegregated public schools once again. The questions of equality, equity and ethics are paramount to address as a community, faced with the daunting task of educating our new unempowered majority. These students now represent our future workforce and the ability of this region to compete in the national and global marketplace. It is only through conversation that we can begin to address the issue.

Key Elements of Innovation

Houston Public Library brought together thought leaders and visionaries in the community to begin posing the pertinent ethical question: What is fair and equitable treatment of all human beings? All human beings lives matter! All human beings are equal! Utilizing this question (as the pathway), we engaged in a robust conversation concerning what does equality (the outcome) look like? How as a community do we achieve equity (the process) in our Urban Public Education system?

Achieved Outcomes

An immediate and robust effort to renew our sense of shared values and responsibilities as active citizens, to educate all students, has begun. Enhancing race and social equity requires a focus on diversity and inclusion and will require the involvement of a broad-based consortium of public and private agencies, organizations and individuals dedicated to the cause. The Houston Public Library as a community convener continues to lead to help create the collective future of Houston.