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Courier Truck Campaign

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Courier Truck Campaign

Johnson County Library, Kan.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis

In 2009, Johnson County Library launched a creative and successful campaign where classic books were turned into humorous business ideas and featured on our courier trucks. These humorous names and eye-catching images have been stopping traffic for the past three years but it was time for an update.


In 2012, Johnson County Library turned to the public for new designs for the courier trucks. The Marketing and Communication Department set guidelines, a list of classic works of literature that could be used. The public were encouraged to create, design and submit as many ideas as they liked. Johnson County Library received 26 submissions. These submissions ranged from professional quality designs to crayon designs to pencil sketches. The submissions were compiled and voted on by Marketing Department and Administrative staff, as well as a Barkley Advertising executive. Once the four designs were chosen, the winners were notified and the designs were printed and the trucks were wrapped. Once the new trucks designs were completely finished, Johnson County Library held a media event with the winners and local media outlets. Much like the first courier truck designs, Johnson County Library received a great deal of national attention. Photos and stories circled social media outlets, national news sources and within the library systems, worldwide.

Key Elements of Innovation

In 2009, Barkley Advertising Agency and Johnson County Library worked together to create the first round of courier truck designs. They consisted of Captain Ahab's Fine Seafood, Kafka's Pest Control, Benjamin Buttons Diaper Service and Dr. Jekyll's Pharmacy and Mr. Hyde's Pharmacy. This campaign was picked up by local media, national media and photos of the trucks made their way around social media. The first campaign was a success. The difficult part was to encourage people to create professional quality designs based on their own clever concepts. The contest was promoted heavily to reach as many people as possible and expand the number of entries we would receive. Johnson County Library used internal outlets (print, digital and web), external outlets (print, radio and web advertising), press releases and social media outlets to announce the contest.

Achieved Outcomes

The ultimate goal was to receive four or more quality designs that Johnson County Library would be able to use to wrap the courier trucks. The campaign had very specific design criteria. 1. Each design needed to be 2 sizes. The size for the sides of the courier trucks needed to be 195.5" wide x 96.75" tall with the text/primary image needed to fit within 180" wide x 82" tall. The designs also needed to be submitted with a smaller version for the back of the trucks. The design for the back of the truck needed to fit 100" wide x 95.5" tall with the text and primary text/primary images fitting within 86" wide x 78" tall. The designs also needed to be submitted in PDF, no less than 100 dpi. The winners would need to resubmit their designs in vector format in order to scale the designs before the next steps were taken. Johnson County Library received many quality designs and the voting was difficult. The final four designs were chosen. The four designs were created by 2 local women. One design was created by a University of Kansas alumni and the other three designs were created by a current University of Kansas student.