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Customer Service In a Fully Mobile Environment

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Customer Service In a Fully Mobile Environment

Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County, Ohio

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis

We provided Library staff with a tablet device as the only option for offering reference and circulation services, removing the PC and reference desk in the process. This mobile device model has been instituted at the Main Library’s Information & Reference Department and piloted at a busy branch location.


As mobile technology has permeated the lives of library users and all levels of the library’s operations and services, our library began exploring ways to integrate the devices’ capabilities into everyday staff functions and expand services. The mobile devices were incorporated into customer service, reference and programming. Additionally, the devices were utilized as an additional resource in conjunction with other more traditional tools, such as the PCs on public desks. In order to discover how mobile devices could replace desktop PCs in the provision of reference services, the traditional desk had to be taken out of the equation. The service desk was physically removed in the Information and Reference Department (10,000 square feet of one of the busiest Main Libraries in America) and the results were surprising. Roving reference was one thing, but utilizing tablets to replace the traditional service desk model is quite another. This innovation requires a new mindset from both service and technology staff. As the Library’s current ILS has no vendor-provided method for running the staff software on a tablet, the Technology Operations staff have had to adjust and manipulate technology to make this new model a possibility. Many libraries are experimenting with providing service via mobile devices. However, having implemented this model at a branch location we are unique in using a tablet for circulation functions on a daily basis.

Key Elements of Innovation

The Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County is fully committed to proactive customer service and applying emerging technologies to improving customer service. Building on the success of the Information and Reference Department’s usage of mobile devices to provide reference assistance to customers at the Main Library, the Westwood Branch began piloting a similar project. During designated time periods over several months, Westwood’s staff provided all types of customer service (including circulation functions) using only tablet devices. The tablets offer easy access to the Library’s ILS and online reference resources. The devices allow staff to search the catalog and place holds, introduce customers to ebooks, demonstrate use of the mobile app, and perform most basic circulation functions.

Achieved Outcomes

The goal of this pilot project is to enable staff in both Main Library and branch locations to better assist customers by “meeting them where they are,” instead of relying on the service desk for most customer interactions. All locations are being encouraged to begin using their mobile devices to provide customer service functions while roving. Each location is documenting their experiences with providing customer service using mobile devices – successes, challenges, specific requests, innovative uses, etc. All levels of staff are participating in this new service model experiment. Sharing examples of how the mobile devices are being utilized to provide customer service is now included as a regular part of system-wide meetings. Current construction projects feature the mobile service model, eliminating the inclusion of circulation and reference desks at three new branch locations that are under construction. This completely mobile model effectively restructures our buildings so that the customer experience is less about trying to determine the “correct” point of service to match their needs and more about being personally assisted wherever they are in the building.