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Customer Service Training

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Customer Service Training

Allen County Public Library, Ind.

Health & Wellness

Innovation Synopsis

Staff training is customer built to address five pillars of customer experience: empowerment, transparency, kindness, personalization and engagement. Identified both the internal and external customer and how to apply these principals to the overall experience. Identified training gaps through outcome based staff surveys and drove training to fill those gaps.


ACPL is beloved by the community so many felt they did not have to focus on the customer experience as they were "doing enough already." This training created an opportunity for staff to recognize patrons as customers while also understanding for the first time that coworkers are customers too. Through guided cross functional conversations we continue to learn from one another on how to improve both the internal and external customer experience.

Key Elements of Innovation

We surveyed all 400 staff members to identify understanding of customer experience and developed training to address knowledge/skill gaps. Facilitating small cross functional group conversations, staff felt heard and empowered to implement changes to their customer service practices both internally and externally. This offers ACPL the opportunity to begin serving internal and external customers from a set framework that will continue to be incorporated in outcome based trainings as we move forward.

Achieved Outcomes

Internal customer (staff) communication has improved and we continue to uncover differences in service models throughout the organization. This allows us to address each of those individually and build a unified service model. In addition, this training became the foundation for all other trainings incorporating outcomes and strategic planning to continually build on the pillars of service mentioned above.