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Dallas 101: Celebrating Communities and History

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Dallas 101: Celebrating Communities and History

Dallas Public Library

Advocacy & Awareness | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

Dallas 101 was designed to dive deep into the histories, cultures, libraries, art and communities that make up Dallas’ unique neighborhoods. This ongoing series consists of virtual tours of Dallas neighborhoods that inspire community pride and engagement. Viewers "tour” Dallas, currently and historically, in order to better understand their city.


Dallas is split into distinct neighborhoods, each with its own personality and charm. During the pandemic, Dallas has seen huge population growth. Especially with pandemic-related restrictions, many have not had the opportunity to amble the city and learn what makes it special. Since libraries are the community center in each neighborhood and keepers of history and information, Dallas 101 was planned to virtually introduce those who want to learn more about their city to Dallas, both historically and presently.

Key Elements of Innovation

Dallas 101 started virtually when the library was closed to the public and has been presented in a hybrid format, with videos created at significant Dallas locations and live interviews with important community representatives and historians. Episodes are filmed at neighborhood libraries and involves interviews with many guests and takes a deep dive into the history of each neighborhood, with historical photos from the library’s archives. Episodes are available on YouTube and unique oral histories are catalogued.

Achieved Outcomes

Dallas 101 has been well-received. Live viewers have consisted of 30-50 attendees, with YouTube views around 3,000. The oral histories that were collected and archived in the catalog will be of significance for years to come. The library has also created and sustained unique partnerships that have led to other programs. They’ve helped create closer ties between branch libraries and the communities they represent, with a better understanding of the role of the library in community and civic engagement.