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Dari and Spanish Collaborative Digital Literacy

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Dari and Spanish Collaborative Digital Literacy

Prince George's County Memorial Library System

Equity and Inclusion | 2023

Innovation Synopsis

The largest refugee population in Prince George’s County zones to Templeton Elementary. PGCMLS partnered with the school to create an eight-week digital literacy course for Dari and Spanish-speaking women, made possible by Capital One. A concurrent Story Explorers program was offered to provide child care for the children of the participants.


Templeton ES is a Title 1 (>95%) school with over 70% of students identified for ESOL services. The school serves the largest refugee apartment complex in the county and a large undocumented population of Central American immigrants. Many of the families at the school have no access to internet, low/no digital literacy, and little to no English. This presents a host of barriers to equity and these issues are compounded by distrust of government entities and cultural barriers related to education for women.

Key Elements of Innovation

PGCMLS collaborated with the school on a digital literacy program series. The school offers space (addresses transportation barriers, improves trust and buy-in) and help identifying and recruiting families. PGCMLS provides data-included Chromebooks for every participant, literacy programs for kids, instruction 8 modules in Spanish and Dari focusing on high-need skills - computer basics, using school apps and library resources to support children’s education, job searching, English language learning.

Achieved Outcomes

A cohort of women have attended an 8 week series of workshops in their primary language and received take home technology and internet connectivity. The participants have completed multiple Digital Learn modules and are now able to support their children with their school work. Cohort is now tech adept enough to be enrolled into Voxy Engen courses that will assist them in English proficiency, job skills, and basic education. Women from the class are now attending storytimes and drop-in tech hours at the library.