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Data Dashboard for KPIs & Representative Collection

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Data Dashboard for KPIs & Representative Collection

Kent District Library

Library Operations & Management | 2023

Innovation Synopsis

KDL concluded three projects in 2022 to drive the organization toward more data-informed decision making: auditing/tagging the entire 800,000 item physical collection with identity-based tags, establishing KPIs and processes to utilize them, and building a custom data dashboard with templates and processes for management to utilize and share data.


KDL previously used only two types of spine labels which were not inclusive, intersectional, and had unintended consequences. To address this, KDL purchased collection audit to discover gaps in representation and purchase accordingly. KDL needed to develop a process to incorporate this data into the MARC record to be able to run reports on this at any time afterwards.

KDL previously collected too much data in spreadsheets and only looked at historical data comparisons rather than strategizing intentional targets.

Key Elements of Innovation

Librarians took Ingram iCurate inClusive data further by researching and tagging existing materials and Collection Development Librarians proactively tagged on-order items. Nearly 800K materials were tagged in less than 6 months.

  • BlueCloud Analytics used to create not only visual dashboard of KPIs but collection representation as well, ensuring that purchasing strategies can be adjusted throughout the year.

Achieved Outcomes

  • Integrated process to add EDI MARC record tags to new books
  • Expanded identity-based tags for better materials advisory assistance for both staff and patrons.
  • Visual, interactive dashboard using existing software that all managers could navigate and use.
  • Increase in tagged materials for new purchases. In September 2022, 9% of purchases had at least one diverse tag; in February 2023, 28%.
  • KPIS with clear targets and strategies to achieve them.