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Democratizing the Process of Innovation

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Democratizing the Process of Innovation

Toledo Lucas County Public Library, Ohio

Library Operations & Management | 2019

Innovation Synopsis

Developing a culture of innovation has created a pathway for change at the library. The Innovation Incubator is a pipeline for staff to recommend improvements, change organizational culture and improve overall efficacy as a community hub. Each idea goes through a recommendation process in which all staff have an equal voice.


The Innovation Incubator was originally developed to institutionalize innovation, create a pathway for staff ideas and develop an efficient model for feedback, measurement and cultivation of ideas. Previously a group of nine diverse staff members would evaluate each idea and determine if it met our strategic plan and current priorities. The issue with a workgroup of nine is that power is disproportionate and doesn’t reflect the needs of the entire library community.

Key Elements of Innovation

Our process is broken down into quarters. In between voting periods, we receive ideas through JotForm. In 2019 we changed the voting and selection process by creating a survey so that all staff can vote on the ideas most important to them and their local community. Each idea still goes through the agency manager to determine if it aligns with their strategic direction, but the Innovation Incubator gathers input and illustrates the importance of an idea to the agency manager with a voice from the entire library.

Achieved Outcomes

Initial response to the Innovation Incubator was tempered by undefined expectations. Staff were not sure what this group did nor what power the group held. After two years we have received over 300 ideas, completed over 100 and have another 100 in progress. The year 2019 has seen an explosion, with the new voting process averaging a 50% participation rate. Our success hinges on staff continuing to submit ideas. The new process provides clarity, builds trust and shows that the library values the opinions of all staff.