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Department of Consumer Affairs Partnership

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Department of Consumer Affairs Partnership

Sacramento Public Library

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis


The California Department of Consumer Affairs outreach and training division wanted to attract a new audience in a venue and approached Sacramento Public Library’s Central Library in the fall of 2009 with the proposal to develop a year-long partnership of monthly programs. The timing was perfect because Central wanted to add to its programming cache and bring more people downtown to experience library programs.

Key Elements of Innovation

The monthly consumer based programs had never been done before, and the cost of advertising and promotion was shared among the two parties, benefiting both. The expert speakers and informational pamphlets/posters were provided by the DCA. The library speaker, program moderator, meeting room, catering, and publicity distribution were provided by Central Library. The library keeps an archive of all 12 months on the web page with a fully recorded podcast. This ensures the sessions will be available to any patron unable to attend or a need to review. The bibliography of all relevant library material presented is included.

Achieved Outcomes

The Consumer Protection Series was a highly successful program attended by between 30 and 50 attendees the first Wednesday of every month of 2010. The program was also during the noon to 1:00 lunch hour, a busy time for downtown clientele, and at a location with less than ample parking. Despite the challenges the attendance figures made it one of the most successful turnouts in Central history. The responses were enormously positive with dozens of requests to have the series continue into the next year.