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Digital Inclusion Summit

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Digital Inclusion Summit

San Antonio Public Library, Texas

Workforce and Economic Development

Innovation Synopsis

San Antonio Public Library and the San Antonio Housing Authority hosted the first city-wide conversation around improving, expanding and promoting broadband access. The "Digital Inclusion Summit" included the National Digital Inclusion Alliance, NTEN, Google Fiber, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and more who addressed the issues of the digital divide.


According to the 2013 American Community Survey, San Antonio ranked in the bottom third of major cities based on percentage of households lacking internet access. The digital divide in San Antonio has a direct correlation with socio-economic brackets meaning that low-income residents are more likely to be hampered by lack of basic literacy, financial literacy and digital literacy. The library’s role is critical in reaching those segments of the population who don’t have the access.

Key Elements of Innovation

The San Antonio Public Library convened local and national leaders of the Digital Inclusion Effort from across eight cities to participate in the event. Experts hosted sessions in the topics of Digital Equity & Economic Mobility, The Digital Skills Gap, Collaborative Approaches to Solving the Digital Inclusion Challenge and more. Our leading role in organizing this event positioned the San Antonio Public Library as a leader in digital inclusion.

Achieved Outcomes

Working to bridge the digital divide is another way that the library is working to support educational and learning opportunities as well as workforce and economic prosperity. The free symposium versed 166 attendees on best practices from cities across the nation and provided networking opportunities for internet service providers, funders and local organizations working to bridge the digital divide. The event culminated in the formation of the Digital Inclusion Alliance San Antonio.