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Digital Library Community Project

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Digital Library Community Project

San Antonio Public Library, Texas

Honorable Mention

Innovation Synopsis

San Antonio Public Library introduces Digital Library Community Project: a collection of digital bookshelves placed at several community centers city-wide and three digital touchscreen kiosks at San Antonio International Airport to provide direct access to its digital collection of eBooks, eAudioBooks, music and magazines for download.


In 2014, SAPL sought to fulfill two goals: encourage cardholders to engage with its digital platforms, especially its digital library; and promote SAPL as an innovative resource to potential new users as well as the community at large.

Key Elements of Innovation

For community outreach, digital bookshelves were created containing graphics of SAPL digital collection titles with QR codes connecting the user directly with the title within the collection. The program began with five digital bookshelves at area community centers, that number has climbed to thirteen. A second component of the Project was the design and installation of three electronic touchscreen kiosk charging stations created in partnership with Overdrive to provide San Antonio International Airport users an opportunity to download materials directly to mobile devices. Additionally, limited access to the collection is provided to non-cardholders through a first-ever available temporary library card.

Achieved Outcomes

In the first four months of operation, the airport kiosks received almost 30,000 page views (screens viewed) with nearly 1,000 checkouts. Digital bookshelves have provided the library with an increased usage of the digital library by 53% with community center visitors using the digital bookshelves to connect to the digital library for what may be their very first time. Specific links have received more than 100 clicks with a total of over 1,000 clicks to view more of the collection.