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Digital Literacy Passport

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Digital Literacy Passport

San Antonio Public Library, Texas

Workforce and Economic Development

Innovation Synopsis

San Antonio Public Library and the San Antonio Housing Authority hosted the first city-wide conversation around improving, expanding and promoting broadband access. The "Digital Literacy Passport" addresses the issues of the digital divide.


The digital divide in San Antonio has a direct correlation with socio-economic brackets. Low-income residents are more likely to be hampered by lack of basic literacy, financial literacy and digital literacy. The library’s role is critical in reaching those segments of the population who simply don’t have access. Through this partnership, SAHA residents are able to receive credit for attending classes offered across SAPL’s 30 locations.

Key Elements of Innovation

SAHA residents who have participated in at least seven digital literacy classes at the San Antonio Public Library are eligible to receive a free, refurbished computer or laptop. Between the seven classes, participants will complete course work in computer basics, internet basics, cyber security, email basics and Microsoft Word. Participants can also receive credit toward their device by attending relevant library digital literacy programs such as resume writing, online job search and introduction to coding.

Achieved Outcomes

The San Antonio Public Library will train more than 180 participants between May 2017 and April 2018. Participants are encouraged to visit local partner organizations that also support digital literacy to utilize their services. This further strengthens the library’s partnerships in the community. Incentivizing attendance at SAPL-hosted digital literacy classes also increases Library usage and overall circulation.