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Diverse Voices: Searching By Creators’ Identities

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Diverse Voices: Searching By Creators’ Identities

Columbus Metropolitan Library

Equity and Inclusion | 2023

Innovation Synopsis

CML established a custom search feature in our discovery layer, utilizing new descriptive areas in cataloging, to provide access to the works of diverse creators without any changes to shelving, classification or labeling.


Historically, libraries classified material based primarily on subject content. After a collection review that began in 2021, we saw that we needed to establish flexible, nuanced searchability features specifically for diverse creators. We also wanted to ensure that search features would be useful for both customers and staff.

Key Elements of Innovation

We used a new MARC field with demographic terms for creators. Within a rigorous ethical framework, a team of tech services and public services staff researches terms with which authors self-identify; cataloging staff add correlating controlled terminology to bibliographic records. We worked with our vendor to index the new data for use in custom saved searches to point users directly to lists of creators by specific identity terms. Lists can be refined using filters and advanced searches.

Achieved Outcomes

Staff have been vocal about their support for and use of the new saved search features. Although we have only launched one demographic term, "African Americans," we have established a cross-departmental team identifying other equity-deserving groups. In addition to building relationships and understanding between departments, we have created a scalable program and availed ourselves of public services expertise. We expect this work to be ongoing, rolling out terms for AAPI, Hispanic, and Indigenous creators this year.