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Diversity Training: A Cohort for Change (Agents)

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Diversity Training: A Cohort for Change (Agents)

Greensboro Public Library, N.C.

Equity and Inclusion | 2018

Innovation Synopsis

Diversity Training is a series of seminars and small group assignments occurring over seven months, addressing the changing social landscape and equipping library staff, particularly those serving on the frontline, with resources and strategies to successfully manage both their own biases and the needs and expectations of diverse populations.


Diversity Training was developed out of the need to help staff normalize conversations about race, gender identification and other differences to help ensure that the library and its staff acknowledges and works towards effectively and equitably addressing our customers’ and community’s unique needs and issues. Hosting the training also allowed the library to nurture relationships with the City of Greensboro's Human Relations Department and the founders of Whole Person Librarianship.

Key Elements of Innovation

Diversity Training is a coordinated effort of GPL and the City of Greensboro’s Human Relations Department. The training featured seminars and discussions on such topics as “Power and Privilege in Service Provision” and “Specialized Populations.” Additionally, participating staff are also assigned to teams and presented with scenarios that challenge them to critically examine themselves, our community, our customers and the library’s ability to effectively connect with and serve the public.

Achieved Outcomes

By dedicating resources to the development and delivery of the training, the library sought to activate a growth mindset within the library. The training affords staff an opportunity and environment in which they can safely and constructively examine individual biases, strip down prejudices and become more reflective, empathetic and effective in their approach to public service. Participants will also develop service/program proposals responding directly to the challenges posed by the group assignments.