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Early Learning Centres: Talk Sing Read Write PLAY!

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Early Learning Centres: Talk Sing Read Write PLAY!

Calgary Public Library, Alberta

Education - Children & Adults

Innovation Synopsis

Focusing on play as the foundation for all future learning, Early Learning Centres at Calgary Public Library offer print-rich, developmentally appropriate, inspiring environments. Opportunities abound for early literacy development in motor, social, language, and creativity skills in children’s first five years where families build supports and connections to the Library.


Play is essential for learning. Research demonstrates the need for impactful experiences to enhance children’s development in the early years, building upon physical health and wellbeing, social competence, emotional maturity, language and thinking skills, communication skills, and general knowledge (ECMap, 2014). Families in today’s world find unstructured play time lacking. A free resource, where families have a safe, dynamic, and engaging space to learn and make new connections (and play!) is an achievement for the community and society as a whole. These spaces create new opportunities for staff to share and model early literacy and child development best practices.

Key Elements of Innovation

The Early Learning Centres draw families to our community libraries and the wealth of resources offered. Small and large build spaces, dramatic play and theatre spaces, baby/toddler zone, creative writing/art spaces, quiet activity and reading spaces, and parent resource centres provide a variety of self-directed (and playful) opportunities for families to engage in with their children. By utilizing volunteers as ambassadors in the spaces, the Library extends connections into the community and enhances services for families. Collaboration with post-secondary institutions around research in play is underway, underscoring the import of this work and expanding the reach of the Library.

Achieved Outcomes

Through play, children learn how to learn! Play allows opportunities for children to enhance language development and build creativity, imagination, and cognitive skills. While playing, children observe their environment, develop a better understanding of the world and the people in it. These centres are spaces where staff can effectively engage with children and families around early literacy activities, creating opportunities for play experiences based on cognitive development research on early literacy skills. With intentional spaces, designed specifically for the 0-5 population, the Library is building a stronger community of early learners…and increasing the potential for a healthy and engaged citizenry.