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Early Literacy Texting: RSK on the GO!

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Early Literacy Texting: RSK on the GO!

Brooklyn Public Library, N.Y.

Education - Children & Adults

Innovation Synopsis


We are always exploring more effective ways to promote parent engagement outside of the library. Texting is a consistent and accessible way to reach parents where they are. Sending research-based early literacy tips and activities promotes everyday learning in fun and easy ways. Texting campaigns have proven to be effective ways of reaching younger populations, including young parents: 97 percent of Americans under 50 have cell phones, and texts have a 95 percent open rate. When connected to a program, we have found that parents are eager to sign up, so that they can continue the learning at home between library visits.

Key Elements of Innovation

The library is in a unique position to engage parents and encourage early literacy practices because we are one of the first places children and parents can learn together. The key elements of our innovation are engagement, accessibility, and empowerment. Texting provides an effective mode of engaging parents in early literacy practices beyond the library. It provides access to parents who may not utilize other forms of digital technology, or who can’t take advantage of library events and programs. Having access to consistent messages promoting early literacy practices empowers parents to become their children’s first teachers, wherever they are.

Achieved Outcomes

Since launching in 2015, we’ve had 650 families sign up for RSK on the GO! Parents positively report that because of the regularity of the messages, they’re reminded to engage in early literacy activities on a consistent basis. We’ve also received inquiries from other libraries interested in launching similar campaigns. We expect the impact to be increased parent engagement in early literacy and learning activities with their young children, as well as the expansion of texting campaigns through more library and early learning partners. We also just launched a texting program for parents of children 0-3 years old: Read, Play, Grow on the Go!