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Enhanced Mobile Library Service (EMLS)

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Enhanced Mobile Library Service (EMLS)

Miami-Dade Public Library System, Fla.

Equity and Inclusion | 2018

Innovation Synopsis

The Enhanced Mobile Library Service is a program serving high-need populations that have difficulty reaching a brick-and-mortar library. This service differs from the library’s traditional bookmobile service in that, in addition to bringing library materials, it provides custom programming developed to meet the needs of the client organization/group to enrich quality of life.


Many County residents are unable to visit a branch library due to multiple factors: advanced age, special needs, inadequate access to transportation, grave personal and economic circumstances, etc. Often, organizations that serve these individuals don’t have the staffing or vehicles needed to transport them to a branch library to participate in quality library programs. Many of these individuals require one-on-one supervision and assistance which further compounds the problem. This service bridges all of these challenges.

Key Elements of Innovation

Library staff visit each location using a cargo van and carrying crates of library materials especially selected for the organization. The visit includes a program/activity that has been especially prepared to meet the needs of the organization being visited. For example, a group of adults with special needs may be offered a level-appropriate arts and crafts program, while the toddlers at a daycare may participate in a traditional storytime focusing on early literacy skills.

Achieved Outcomes

In its current configuration, the EMLS program serves close to 400 library customers a month and checks out an average of 120 library items a week. This program fills an important gap in library services to the individuals it serves. It represents a lifeline, a way for them to become and remain engaged, enriching their lives through participation in activities that have been carefully tailored to meet their very own individual needs.