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Enriching the Visually Impaired Community

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Enriching the Visually Impaired Community

Palm Beach County Library System, Fla.

Honorable Mention

Innovation Synopsis

Palm Beach County Library System’s Talking Books Service enriches the lives of the visually-impaired individuals by organizing activities that promote socialization and expand the educational and leisure opportunities for this underserved and oftentimes overlooked community.


For almost 40 years, Talking Books has provided materials through the mail to blind and visually impaired individuals in Palm Beach County. Staff regularly speak with many of the over 2,300 members to match them with literature supplied by the National Library Service for the Blind. Through these interactions, staff recognized an unmet need in the community for activities specifically geared towards them. Oftentimes, members of the Talking Books service do not have any outlet to socialize or interact with the larger world due, in part, to physical barriers and a lack of social opportunities.

Key Elements of Innovation

Talking Books staff wanted to offer members a means to socialize and interact both in the comfort of their own homes and in public. Staff initiated a relationship with three movie theaters in September 2015 and has hosted 322 individuals in private screening rooms (exclusively for Talking Books members) equipped with descriptive devices, a snack and a drink. Staff also approached Library branch locations to fund musical events where Talking Books members would receive special invitations and guaranteed seating. Teleconference book discussions, facilitated by Talking Books staff, give participants an opportunity to learn and interact meaningfully with others.

Achieved Outcomes

As more Talking Books members participate in these activities, we expect, through word of mouth, greater interest in library services available to the 70,000 visually impaired individuals who call Palm Beach County home. Chandra Thornton, Talking Books staff, won the 2016 Julie Klauber Award for her creative services to the blind, and presented her ideas at this year’s KLAS Users’ Conference. With increased public exposure, continued support from the community and the Palm Beach County Library System, service to the blind will continue as a core function of library service for years to come.