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Environmental Education

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Environmental Education

Dallas Public Library

Health & Wellness | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

Dallas Public Library partnered with the Dallas Office of Environmental Quality and Sustainability for programs on important city initiatives, including urban farming, stormwater, animals and other issues. The partnership leverages the library’s existing gardening, nature and food security programs while providing DEQS a virtual audience.


The pandemic caused Dallas Public Library to pivot towards online programming through Zoom, reinventing existing programs as well as creating new virtual experiences. The Dallas Office of Environmental Quality and Sustainability (DEQS) similarly needed to continue to provide outreach about environmental issues to the community and spread awareness of the Comprehensive Climate Action Plan the city of Dallas recently adopted. Unlike the library, DEQS did not have access to a ready audience or the technology.

Key Elements of Innovation

Leveraging the library’s platform with the DEQS’s knowledge base, three weekly Zoom program series were created:

  • Grow with Us - focuses on gardening and urban agriculture topics
  • Earth Day Every Day - deals with a range of environmental topics
  • Earth Kids - engages children in environmental knowledge through fun activities

The two adult programs take place at noon, allowing people who work to participate, and are also recorded for later viewing. Presenters range from city staff to various experts in the community.

Achieved Outcomes

There have been over 150 programs and over 3600 attendees, building an online community of regulars who exchange thoughts and ideas in the program. Surveys done by DEQS have returned comments such as, “Thanks for doing these series. I have been attending almost all conferences. It has been very interesting for me and my family. We have learned a lot and improved our green practices.” Working with DEQS has strengthened Dallas Public Library’s ties to the community and inspired new partnerships with other organizations.