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Equity Index: A Screening Tool to Target Resources

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Equity Index: A Screening Tool to Target Resources

San José Public Library

Equity and Inclusion | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

SJPL developed an Equity Index to identify a range of needs across the city and to integrate resources and services into Library planning. This screening tool has been critical in determining how and where to allocate limited resources, navigate changes in service delivery, as well as guide budgetary planning and decision-making.


In a diverse city such as San Jose, SJPL harnesses the power of data to direct the library’s strategy in response to the gaps in variances of community needs, availability of local service providers and Library operations. The index combines Library data points, Census information and San Jose’s Social Progress Indicators to develop a screening tool that informs the library about considerations pertaining to geographical locations and concentrations of risk factors.

Key Elements of Innovation

Combining demographic data with Library operational data and GIS mapping, the library created a tool to visualize community areas facing disadvantages in relation to the rest of San José. Organizing the data by weighting indexed variables, the tool provides strategic accuracy to target resources, and has the flexibility to adapt to different scenarios. For example, SJPL prioritized areas where K-12 students were more likely to need internet access and which areas would be receptive to project rollout during COVID.

Achieved Outcomes

The Equity Index has been pivotal to:

  • Position the library as the leading City department spearheading an equity-focused budgeting model for other departments.
  • Develop the Digital Equity Index to rollout internet connectivity to tens of thousands of households during the pandemic.
  • Determine Library branch hours and staffing, based on equity factors.
  • Guide operational strategy for where to target additional services and programming.
  • Use a tool to question assumptions and better inform how to serve communities.